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Inspirational Resources by Topic
Palm oil - food
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Palm oil - bathroom
‘You can start changing our world for the better daily, no matter how small the action’
Nelson Mandela
‘Every time you spend money, you are casting a vote for the kind of world you want’.
Anna Lappé
Approximately half of packaged supermarket products contain palm oil, including many bathroom products – shampoo, soap, shower gel, shaving foam, make-up, deodorant, toothpaste ... Whether as part of our routine shop, or as Christmas gifts, we all have many opportunities to ‘cast our votes’ when buying bathroom products.
This week’s Young Climate Warriors challenge encourages children to become detectives in their bathroom – to see how many products contain palm oil. It is not always easy to spot – so some clues are provided! Find out which everyday products contain palm oil with this interactive WWF webpage.
‘Sustainable‘ palm oil production substantially reduces its impact on climate change. It avoids deforestation, avoids drainage of peatlands, and avoids use of fires to clear the land.
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