Climate Change Assemblies

Help overcome eco-anxiety with a positive, yet honest approach to understanding and engaging with climate change.

The Assembly is designed to be fun as well as thought-provoking and

The Young Climate Warriors Ambassador Programme takes climate change discussions into primary schools across the UK.
Connecting schools with local Young Climate Warriors Ambassadors to deliver in-person, discussion-based, interactive, animated climate change assemblies, and follow-up eco-club sessions if requested.
Helping pupils understand and engage with climate change, and our 'choices' for daily sustainable living in a positive, age-appropriate way.
The Young Climate Warriors Ambassador's Assembly is highly interactive, stimulating discussion and encouraging critical thinking; offering an empowering, dynamic response to climate change.

Our climate is changing ... does it really matter, what does it mean for you, me and children around the world?

Isn't nature amazing? ... with help from our friendly chameleon.

The science basics ... greenhouse gases and the carbon cycle.

Mr Carbon - enemy no 1 ... how we reduce his power ... with positive messaging about solutions.

'Little by little' ... we are in this together ... together we need to care for our planet.
Check out the 40+ schools that have shared climate change discussions with our Ambassadors so far!
Some of our Young Climate Warrior Ambassadors:
