Does anyone remember those first photos of Greta Thunberg back in 2018– raising awareness of climate change by striking outside the Swedish Parliament – can you remember what she was wearing … her yellow raincoat?
This week’s challenge is about walking and talking … both really important when it comes to tackling climate change. Can you make an effort to walk, scoot or cycle this week on your way to school, football, dance, Cubs or Brownies? Avoiding using the car helps reduce our carbon emissions – as a well as reducing air pollution. In the UK, the leaves on the trees are changing, autumn is setting in, and it can be rainy … but like Greta, dig out your waterproof jacket, possibly pop up an umbrella, maybe even dust off your wellies … and walk or run or scoot or cycle … MORE than you did last week?
Hang on … what’s the talking part of the challenge? Do you think it helps to understand about climate change in order to take action? Some people might say ‘no’ – I don’t need to understand – I’m happy following social trends, leaving the government to make decisions on my behalf, or letting businesses make the necessary changes – but what do you think?If you think learning and engaging with climate change is important – then maybe whilst out walking, or in the playground, you could chat to your friends, cousins, grandparents, teachers, neighbours and tell them why you’re doing extra walking this week? Share what you know about climate change, what you feel about it, talk about our beautiful, healthy world that we can help protect if we reduce our carbon emissions, maybe discuss the Young Climate Warriors challenges?
By walking and talking you’ll be helping cut your carbon emissions, and maybe you will encourage others to help tackle climate change too! HIT THE RED BUTTON when you have completed this challenge!
How many conversations are happening all round the world at this very instant – an extraordinary thought? Imagine all those conversations … all buzzing around the globe … little speech bubbles popping up everywhere. Would you like to be part of the 26,000 conversations initiative - thousands of conversations about climate change by 1st November 2021? This is the first day of the United Nations Climate Conference – Conference of Parties meeting number 26. (Commonly called ‘COP 26’ – hence the 26,000!). If you’d like to register your ‘conversation’ and see what other people are talking about all round the world – then have a look here -
If you’re wondering about how to start a conversation about climate change, you could share one of these videos and then chat about it? Cafod Climate Change animationor WWF penguins and polar bears.
Did you enjoy sploshing in the rain? Any rainbows? Maybe you didn’t even notice the weather but had a great bike ride? Did you have a good chat? Did you share a climate change movie? Are you pleased you undertook this challenge? Let your voice be heard when you’ve completed it – by HITTING THE RED BUTTON!