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Why should I choose Young Climate Warriors?

​As a teacher... 


Are you... super busy yet

Keen to help children learn about climate change - in a way that's age-appropriate and fun?

Looking for positive messaging about climate change - to encourage and empower, rather than potentially trigger eco-anxiety?


Do you...

Recognise the need to help foster children's values frameworks that support taking care of the health of our planet?

Think that pupils as part of the 'Young Climate Warriors' initiative could feel they have more agency as a 'team', better enabling their voices to be heard?


Would you...

Like to get hold of some trustworthy, rigorous, reliable well-researched teaching resources?  

Appreciate well curated 'off-the-shelf' materials?


Contact us to receive our resources and become a Young Climate Warriors school!

All resources are designed to be

informative as well

as fun!



SIGN UP here!


Teachers feedback

Young Climate Warriors is a great way to carry on conversations begun in class at home

Each weekly topic and challenge provides information, engenders discussion, offers thought-provoking questions and suggests optional actions

Young Climate Warriors challenges are for children to undertake at home, so their parent/carer will need to be involved

Our award-winning Climate Change Club in a Box resources provide a comprehensive introduction to climate change, allowing pupils to delve down deeper. 

(All ‘suggested challenges’ must be undertaken with the supervision and at the discretion of a responsible adult.)


SIGN UP here to register

your school and receive your

weekly Young Climate Warriors 'Schools Pack'.


Over 400 schools are now receiving our weekly 'schools pack', sharing the Young Climate Warriors initiative with their pupils.

Children can choose to be part of a big Young Climate Warriors team undertaking challenges to combat climate change.

If we all undertake the same actions in the same week, and then click the 'HIT THE RED BUTTON' on the website - Young Climate Warriors can make their voices heard, to count alongside their actions. 



Understanding about climate change

  • Hold an interactive Climate Change assembly - shared by your local Young Climate Warriors Ambassador  - email

  • Watch some 'understanding climate change' video clips (available below) 

  • Ask pupils to find recent articles about climate change (some recent articles can be found on our 'in the news' page)

  • Try our 'Kahoot!' climate change quiz (link below)

Weekly topics and challenge​​

  • Teachers can register to receive our weekly 'schools pack' that supports each week's topic and challenge.

  • Encourage children to visit the Young Climate Warriors website and sign up (it's free) - to receive the weekly blog topic and challenge by email. 

  • Consider how to galvanise the whole school community to learn more about climate change - a weekly mention in assembly? Sharing the challenges in the school newsletter? On social media?

Organise a Climate Change Club

  • Hold an after-school or lunchtime Climate Change Club - using our Climate Change Club (CCC) in a Box resources?

  • Energise your Eco-team by using our CCC in a Box materials? 

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Schools resources

Understanding climate change for children


If you have any ideas of particularly successful ways of engaging your pupils and are happy to share them with us, we can pass those suggestions onto other schools. We'd love to hear from you!  Share Now

Schools resources
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