We know you are passionate about caring for our wonderful planet, its people and nature. But do your school friends and teachers know?? How about your Member of Parliament??
Using our voices to call for action is more important than ever – our planet needs us to speak up NOW. This week, can you talk about climate change, ask one of your teachers (maybe your class teacher, or head teacher?) and at least two friends, to go to our website and sign up to become Young Climate Warriors? (Maybe you could send them an email if you’re not in school?). Teachers who register will receive a special schools’ pack of free resources every week.
You are already part of a team of children and young people from 190 different schools around the country. Check out this map to see where you all are! Isn’t that amazing – and wouldn’t it be great if we could encourage even more people to take part in the Young Climate Warriors challenges?! If even two more children in each of these schools were to sign up and complete the weekly challenges, it would make a difference. It reminds us of a Tanzanian proverb - 'little by little, a lot becomes a lot.'
Don’t forget to HIT THE RED BUTTON when you have made your voice heard.
If you want to make even more noise about climate change, how about asking your Member of Parliament to put a greener future at the heart of government plans to rebuild our economy, transport and communities, after covid-19? You could be part of history! Ask your parent or carer if you can sign up together to be part of the first ever virtual lobby for climate, nature and people on Tuesday, 30 June, at https://www.theclimatecoalition.org. (Young Climate Warriors is a member of The Climate Coalition). If an online meeting with your MP sounds a bit daunting, then could you email your MP a letter or hand-drawn placard to let them know you want them to prioritise tackling climate change? You can find your MP’s email address here -https://members.parliament.uk/FindYourMP – you just need to type in your town or postcode.
As we start to rebuild after covid-19, we can choose to tackle climate change and nature’s decline. Or we can let the moment for change pass us by, go back to old ways and wait for new crises to hit. It’s really important that your MP knows that you and other families in his or her constituency really care about prioritising a greener, fairer future.
To find out more about the #TheTimeIsNow virtual lobby of MPs, you could watch this 1 minute film clip: https://youtu.be/siBqhaZtPaA or this 2 minute Newsround clip https://www.bbc.co.uk/newsround/48783376 featuring children who attended last year’s #TheTimeIsNow lobby.
Have fun making a placard or letter to send to your MP and don’t forget to encourage your friends and teacher to sign up at www.youngclimatewarriors.org. Remember to HIT THE RED BUTTON and please send in a photo of your placard or letter!