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Time to 'chill'!!

Young Climate Warriors

Updated: Dec 1, 2023

'5,4,3,2,1 …. we’re coming to find you!’.  You’re looking for a small box normally stuck onto your wall (often white) … you probably walk past me every day – I’m a tiny little box with a big job to do! Have you found me? I spend my time sensing the air temperature around me and sending messages to your heating system to change the temperature in your home. If you turn me down I can help our planet, tackle climate change and save money … have you guessed? ... I’m a room thermostat! Possibly I’m being arrogant – but I think I’m amazing – do you?   

The Young Climate Warriors challenge this week is to turn your thermostat down by 1 degree. What can you do to keep warm instead? – Maybe you might need to wear an extra jumper, pop on a woolly hat, snuggle into a blanket, or wear socks in bed – a great way of helping to combat climate change. Turning your thermostat down will mean that your heating system does not have to work so hard, does not have to burn so many fossil fuels, and thereby helps to reduce climate change. Are you up for the challenge?

Hide and seek is played by children around the world – wherever they live, irrespective of how much money they have, no matter their circumstances – can you imagine some of the places where it’s being played?  It’s known as ‘el escondite’ in Spain, ‘jeu de cache-cache’ in France, sumbaggoggil in South Korea, ‘de-av-ati ascunselea’ in Romania, ‘tuja’ in Bolivia, ‘escondidas’ in Ecuador and Chile, ‘cucumbe’ in Honduras and El Salvador. 

Climate change is also impacting children around the world – wherever they live, irrespective of how much money they have, no matter their circumstances. However, in some countries, climate change is seriously affecting children’s access to health, food, water, clean air and education. The growing number of extreme weather events, made worse by climate change, is putting more children’s lives in danger. 

World Children’s Day - 20th November – is an opportunity to think about how our actions to help combat climate change, will also be helping children around the world - you might like to watch these children around the world talking about climate change (UNICEF video)

HIT THE RED BUTTON and tell us when you have turned down your thermostat to help tackle climate change, thereby helping children all round the world.


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