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  • Young Climate Warriors

'It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are ...' Dumbledore.

Updated: Jul 16, 2021

It’s nearly the holidays … picnics after school? relaxing in the park? meeting up with friends by the river? maybe a day trip to the beach? Do you think it’s sometimes easier to be a Young Climate Warrior at home?– doing the challenges each week, getting into a routine with the lights, switching off the gadgets at the wall, hanging up the washing, shorter shower times, eating more pulses …

‘It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are…’ said Dumbledore. This week’s challenge asks you to think about your choices – can you help combat climate change, whilst enjoying the summer … can you still be a Young Climate Warrior when you go out and have fun? Can you make it your mission to remember the re-usable carrier bags? We hope the cling-film is still hidden! Will you choose to fill up your water bottles, to avoid those drinks cartons? Will you say ‘no thank you’ to the straw in the café, or choose to take your friends’ crisp packets home to recycle them? Can you take home-made snacks, and avoid the palm oil in packaged biscuits? You could even ask the ice-cream seller if he’s considered going ‘electric’ and getting a battery-driven generator?

HIT THE RED BUTTON when you’ve made up your mind … when you’ve made a choice to keep being a Young Climate Warriors even when you’re outside in the sunshine and having fun!

What factors do you think have the most influence over the choices you make? Being informed? Feeling it’s the right thing to do? Following your friends? What would you choose from these summer-time choices? would you rather … buy a drink on the beach every day or fill up your own water bottle each morning? Would you rather buy a new surf board, or make do with the slightly broken one you found in the garage? You might choose the cheaper option, or the easier option, or the ‘cooler’ option – but if you have a Young Climate Warriors hat on – you might also think about the longer term, the wider impact that your choice could have on our natural world. Avoiding plastic, avoiding waste, reducing consumption – are all ways to help combat climate change.

Do you think it sometimes seems difficult to make choices and undertake changes for the sake of our natural world?This is especially the case when you can’t see, or feel the immediate impact of choices you make – but don’t let that get to you. Even if you don’t know which families’ lives might be improved, or which animals’ existence might be made easier – your choices will be benefitting people all round the world, as well as those of future generations.

You might like to choose to support a specific ‘summertime’ campaign – such as Ben Fogle and the Ocean Conservation Trust’s ‘leave nothing but footprints’ beach campaign – pick up at least 5 pieces of litter every time you visit the beach – you could do the same each time you go to the park as well?

It helps to be informed when making choices – Young Climate Warriors mission is to help you on this journey. When you’ve made your choice, and have committed to sticking with being a Young Climate Warrior over the summer, then HIT THE RED BUTTON!!


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