Do you like playing football? netball? basketball? tennis? This half-term, can you get outside to a local park or garden – how many keepie-uppies can you do? Can you practise your goal shoots? And when you want a break, can you go on a treasure hunt for a different sort of shoot? (CLUE: what season are we moving into?)
Treasure hunts in stories often lead to a hoard of gold or jewellery. Your half term challenge may be simpler but the reward is equally beautiful when examined up close. Did you work out the clue? Spring has almost arrived! 💚And in spring, all sorts of bulbs, hidden in the depths of the soil over the winter, suddenly send up shoots that are as bright and beautiful as any jewel - snowdrops, crocuses, daffodils.
Treasure is often buried – stored or stashed for the future. Bulbs are the same – they are a food storage system, enabling plants to survive through the winter and then providing the energy and nutrients for growth in the spring. Their flowers in turn are a vital source of food for bees and other insects early in the year when there are not many other plants in flower. So please leave any flower shoots where they are this – this treasure is not ours to take away (in fact digging up wild flowers in the UK is illegal) – leave it for other children and the insects to enjoy for many years to come.💚
Remember to HIT THE RED BUTTON when you have spent some time outside in nature, practising your goal shoots and treasure-hunting for spring shoots.
Hector Bellerin is one of several international and Premier League footballers speaking out and taking action to tackle climate change, for example by eating a meat-free diet and driving an electric car. Last year he pledged to ensure 3,000 trees are planted in the Amazon every time Arsenal wins a game! Mesut Ozil tweeted last month that climate change was the only #10yearchallenge we should care about.
They are both using their platform as international footballers to raise awareness of climate change and some of the changes we can make in our lives to make a difference. This month, we are supporting Fairtrade Fortnight and their ‘Choose the World you Want’ youth exhibition. If you’d like to share your vision of the world you want, for the planet and everything on it 💚, can you put it down on paper – a piece of artwork, prose or poem – or even make a short movie and email it to You might like to watch this short video about making choices to help our world -
When you have spent some time outside in nature – practising your keepie-uppies or hunting for spring shoots 💚– don’t forget to HIT THE RED BUTTON! We would also love to share photos of you completing your Young Climate Warriors challenge on our website – please send them in by email to