Have you noticed any green hearts 💚– maybe in closed shop windows, displayed in your library window, or place of worship, in children’s news magazines, on the TV, in people’s windows, and even in the Young Climate Warriors challenge last week? Green hearts 💚
are popping up everywhere, lots of people are getting crafty and creative to show that they care about our planet. Together we can protect the world we love.
If you have time this half-term, or one afternoon when you’ve finished school – would you like to get creative and make a green heart? 💚– this is one way you can let people know you care for our planet. Take a photo and send it to us – we can post it on the Young Climate Warriors gallery as well as on the #showthelove Instagram page.
You could go outside and create a beautiful heart 💚out of stones or leaves?
Or maybe make a heart 💚of green vegetables?
Or you could hunt down some green scraps at home – old green wrapping paper? an old birthday card with some green on it? how about green waste packaging – from a bag of flour, a cereal packet or a box of teabags? Could you find some green paint, or green felt-pens?
Or of course you could just make a ‘green’ ‘eco-friendly’ heart without using the colour ‘green’!! You could draw a big heart shape and add a picture inside it - of birds, flowers, trees, animals, a wind turbine, or a bicycle – we’re sure you’ll think of an idea!
HIT THE RED BUTTON when you’ve made a green heart 💚– and send us a photo if you can.
#ShowTheLove is a nationwide campaign – an opportunity to join the UK’s biggest conversation about climate change – building on our snakes and ladders challenge where Young Climate Warriors sparked conversations in the home, this campaign enables your voices to be heard more widely.
A recent Newsround survey found 80% of young people say climate change is important to them, but more than half think their voices aren’t being heard. The time is now to use the power of green hearts 💚to drive action on climate change and let your voice be heard!
You might enjoy sharing this #showthelove campaign video - https://youtu.be/g23rVbUKUis
For more ideas of craft activities, posters and a print-at-home postcard for your MP go to www.showthelove.org.uk
When you have joined in the #showthelove campaign, 💚don’t forget to HIT THE RED BUTTON – and send us your photo!