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Earth Hour 2022 - switch off your lights @ 8.30 on Saturday 26th March - time for some candles?

Young Climate Warriors

Updated: Apr 1, 2022

Shout, sing, discuss, play games, tell stories, make pictures… how do you explain the things you care about to others? This Saturday – 26th March @ 8.30 pm local time – over 7,000 cities across the world will be dimming their lights to ‘shout’ about climate change, and our need to take care of our natural world. Since 2007, millions of people in over 185 countries have been recognising ‘EARTH HOUR’ – by switching our lights off together. It’s a symbol of unity across our planet - together, we can shape our future, together we need to protect our shared home, we are in this together.

Would you like to be part of this global initiative and tell our wider world about climate change? This week your challenge is to take part in Earth Hour – switch off your lights on Saturday evening. If 8.30 pm is a bit too late, maybe you could do part of it, or have your own Earth Hour earlier in the evening? What will you choose to do whilst your lights are off? Have a special candle-lit meal? Play a family game – you might even like to play this game of Climate Change Snakes and Ladders, or do this Climate Change wordsearch? Listen to music snuggled up on a sofa? Turn up the radio and have a kitchen disco? Make a poster for your window – telling your neighbours why you care about protecting our shared home? Read a book by torchlight? Wrap up warm and go outside to see the stars?

What other ways can you think of that help tell others that you care about climate change? Participating in Young Climate Warriors challenges – and hitting the red button is one way of making your voice heard. Every time you undertake a challenge and cut your carbon emissions you are sending a message to your family and friends that says ‘I care about tackling climate change’. Send us your photos and pictures and we can help share your message with the world via our website, and social media pages. @youngclimatewarriors, #youngclimatewarriors.

How does it feel to be part of a global environmental movement? When you’ve switched your lights off, alongside millions of other families around the world – remember to HIT THE RED BUTTON! - and let us know what you got up to during Earth Hour 2022. Your parents might like to follow Facebook - @earthhour, Instagram - @earthhourofficial, #shapeourfuture, #earthhourUK, to show you who else has been participating in EarthHour2022.


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