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Summer is here ... don't forget ...

Young Climate Warriors

Updated: Jul 12, 2019

Hey Young Climate Warriors! 

The sun is shining … picnics in the park after school, out come the water pistols, don’t forget the sun cream, and maybe you’ll be lucky and get an ice cream.  Sometimes it’s easier to be a Young Climate Warrior at home – doing the challenges each week, getting into a routine with the lights, switching off the gadgets at the wall, hanging up the washing, shorter shower times, eating less red meat and more pulses…

This week’s challenge asks you to think about caring for our planet, and helping combat climate change, whilst enjoying the summer sunshine … you can still be a Young Climate Warrior when you go out and have fun.  Have you remembered the re-usable carrier bags? We hope the cling-film is still hidden! Have you remembered to fill up your water bottles, can you avoid those drinks cartons, will you say ‘no thank you’ to the straw in the café, offer to take your friends’ crisp packets home to recycle them?  Have you looked at the back of your sun cream bottle – it probably has ‘palm oil’ in it – is it certified sustainable?  Could you ask the ice-cream seller if he’s considered getting a battery-powered generator?

Don't forget to HIT THE RED BUTTON when you have completed this challenge of remembering water bottles and re-usable bags!

Many campaigns and initiatives have been launched this year, inspiring individuals to take greater action.  Here are two that you might like to engage with this summer.

Ask your parent / carer if you can sign up to ‘Plastics Action’- launched by Sir David Attenborough and the BBC. It’s a campaign to cut down on single-use plastics, which as well as polluting our seas and harming wildlife, also contribute to climate change. Alongside being a Young Climate Warrior, it’s another way of making your voice heard.

Walkers crisps have committed to recycle ALL types of crisps packets for FREE.  Find your nearest drop-off location, and join the campaign to show the big producers that we care about our environment. See for more details. And back to this week… when you’re out and about, don’t forget your re-usable bags and water bottles. Once you’ve remembered for at least two days you can HIT THE RED BUTTON!; but as true young climate warriors, we hope you will keep it up all summer!


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