Happy New Year! Another national lockdown, might seem frustrating, but we can still continue as a fabulous team of Young Climate Warriors. In fact 2021 has the potential to be a year of great hope for our climate and our planet – take a look at the ‘did you know’ box below to see why ‘The Time is Now’.
Have you made any New Year Resolutions for 2020? None of us can fix the climate crisis on our own, but would you like to think of one thing that you could do this year that could make a difference? – and stick to it? Over a third of greenhouse gas emissions come from our homes and even more from the things we buy, so we really can make a difference!
As a Young Climate Warrior you are already tackling climate change every time you complete the weekly challenge. We know from your emails that you have lots of great ideas of your own to reduce harmful greenhouses gases. So this week your challenge is to come up with your own emissions-busting resolution for the New Year. It could be anything – don’t leave devices on stand-by; open curtains instead of switching lights on; prepare meat-free meals; walk or bike a regular journey; use less water when you take a bath – these are just a few ideas. We’d love to hear what you would like to do!!! Don’t forget to make it specific – what… when… how… and write it down and stick it somewhere that will help you remember it (for example you could stick it on the door if your resolution is to turn the lights off when you leave).
How long can you keep it up? … can you keep your resolution until the end of January? until half-term? Easter? Resolutions can be easier to keep if they are split into smaller goals like this. And, remember, don’t be glum if you sometimes forget – that’s bound to happen – you can just pick up your resolution again the next day.
When you have thought of your own CLIMATE CHANGE NEW YEAR'S RESOLUTION - please tell us when you HIT THE RED BUTTON
If you’d like to remind yourself about our amazing planet – and the reason that we’re all working together to help combat climate change – you might enjoy The Perfect Planet – a new David Attenborough series being broadcast on Sunday evenings in January. Here is a link to the trailer https://youtu.be/635uup08DLU – and the first one on ‘volcanoes’ is now available on BBC iplayer – https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episodes/p08xc2lh/a-perfect-planet
You may also enjoy the ‘Royal Institution Christmas Lectures – Planet Earth – A user’s guide’ they are excellent. They include lots of live science experiments and audience participation, explaining how our planet works, and the science of climate change. https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/m000qpjk
When you have come up with your emissions-busting resolution please email it to us when you HIT THE RED BUTTON. We can then share your great ideas with other Young Climate Warriors.